ZAM Exclusive - The Continent of Harraja - (June 11, 2009)
Harraja is home to the Kujix, a group of Talrok who consider themselves to be the chosen of the gods. When the God Vakgarr first created the Talrok, to spread the message of the gods to all of Alganon, they built their temples in the mountains of Xanjuis Plains. In 122 DE, when the first Kujix Emperor Xinjuk Rox united the most powerful Talrok under his command, they united under the banner of the Kujix, and their influence spread across the globe.
For a decade, however, a dark shadow has fallen over the continent. Ten years ago, the best and brightest of the Kujix locked themselves away in the great capital of Xanjuix Karr, to study and prepare for the War of Conversion. Without the presence of the ruling Kujix, much of Harraja has fallen into disarray. The Ogran tribes have lost their way, rebellious new empires of Talrok have begun to form, bandits and thieves have brought trade to a halt, and the mischievous nidgit have infested every corner of Harraja.
Xanjuix Karr - Capital of Harraja
The capital city and center of power of the Kujix, Xanjuix Karr is home to the royal family and numerous historic places and individuals. Xanjuix Karr is nestled high in the mountains of Xanjuis Plains, protected from any other areas currently at war. Surrounded by dessert and terrain largely impassable by those the Kujix want to keep out, this city also doubles as a formidable fortress during times of conflict.
In the ancient tongue, the "Xanjuis" means winds, and "Karr" means to unite or come together as one. While it is not to be taken literally, many elders still repeat the old idiom that all winds blow towards Xanjuix Karr - meaning that there is nothing that happens in Harraja that is not somehow affected by the priests of Xanjuix Karr.
Xanjuis Plains Domain
Home of the capital city of Xanjuix Karr, wide, open, grassy and wind-blown plains make up this domain. There are occasional farmsteads as well, but for the most part, Xanjuis Plains is the same through and through. A few interesting formations of rock and ruins can be found here, many of which were named by the simple-minded Ogran who call these lands home. Plains creatures such as lions and wild pig can be found living here, though these beasts are less exotic than the elemental creatures that call this land home. These beasts, made of living elements, can be found in remote corners of Xanjuis Plains.
Looming large mountains surround the southern and southwestern part of the plains, the location of the capital city, which is just high enough in elevation to be able to see out across the plains and nearly to the ocean.
Controlling Deity: Vakgarr
To the followers of Vakgarr, the word is a vile place in desperate need of change, and it is the Kujix, most especially the Talrok, who were chosen by the gods to make that change and transform Alganon into a perfect world. Vakgarr has provided the Talrok with a powerful tool for change, and that tool is Death. Without death, life becomes stagnant. Without the gift of the great cycle of Life and Death, nothing could be improved, nothing could be made better. The Talrok have been tasked by the gods to use the Great Cycle in order to make Harraja better for all who inhabit it.
Xanjuis Plains has two "Deity Rocks", the East Rock and the West Rock, located on either side of the river. These rocks are defended by a large number of creatures. When the creatures are defeated and the Rocks are held in unison over a period of time, a boon is given to all Kujix in the domain.
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